Women and girls adore fashion and we always look for something that will make us feel unique, elegant and up-to-date. While some go for more of a classic look, there are women who like to attract attention with their dresses and accessories. Truly, one of the most popular styles that has been influenced by Alice in Wonderland is Lolita style fashion that belong to one of the most intriguing Japanese fashion subcultures. This modern Japanese clothing evolved so much that it has now many categories, but the most fashionable ones being sweet, classic and gothic styles and since there are a lot of different designs most of them are limited edition.

1. Sweet Lolita dresses if you like pastels
What crosses your mind when you hear the word “sweet”? Many people describe Lolita fashionable dresses as
These Lolita dresses are described as sweet because they are of gentle colors – mostly pink and other light colors including amazing ribbons and floral details, but what makes these styles even more unique is the cut that gives a pretty tall waist so that makes them look even more elegant. If you are not a fan of dresses you can always go for one of those sweet

2. Gothic Lolita dresses if you like black lace
Japanese street fashion evolved so much over the recent years that Lolita style fashion is now for everyone as it has so many subcategories, but the most dominant one being Gothic Lolita fashion style. This style is very popular around the world and it is like sweet Lolita style influenced by the Victorian age.
What makes it different is that the dresses are predominantly black with very few details of different colors. These outfits usually represent a combination of black and red or black and white and they are decorated with additional lace, ribbons, bats, roses

3. Classic Lolita dresses if you prefer elegance
Unlike other Japanese fashion styles such as Harajuku fashion and Kawaii fashion, Lolita fashion style offers you a classic look that is very serene and elegant. Classic Lolita dresses are neutral with interesting prints such as the one that shows four seasons of the year or the one that shows instruments.
There are a lot of classic dresses that have a variety of floral designs and those that are dedicated to animals and fruits. What makes these classic styles unique is the fact that this style is simply– the use of lace is minimal and there are ribbons only for decoration. These classic looks remind mostly on European royal style and that is what makes these dresses elegant, fashionable and trendy.